While the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the City of Deux-Montagnes announced that it will hold the 16th edition of Horticultural Day in a “home delivery” formula for a second consecutive year, to the delight of gardening enthusiasts!
Due to gatherings still prohibited, the distribution of 2,000 plants (herbs and boxes of annual flowers) which was scheduled for Saturday, May 22 at the municipal garage is thus canceled. A comparable quantity of plants will however be delivered on the territory of Deux-Montagnes to the first 2,000 residents who will register online as of Monday, May 3. They will receive free and safe two (2) plants of various herbs and one (1) selection of annual flowers to undertake their gardening project.
This initiative is part of the City’s beautification program and is organized to encourage residents to take care of their beds and gardens on their properties.
“The pandemic and the restrictions it imposes on our daily lives affect the morale of many citizens. We believe that offering the delivery of free plants again this year will certainly bring warmth to our citizens, in addition to the spring sun which provides a great dose of comfort,” said the mayor of Deux Montagnes, Denis Martin.
Deux-Montagnes citizens wishing to receive their three free plants must simply complete the registration form on the Town’s website, which will be available between May 3 and 9. Only one registration per address is accepted. Citizens who do not have access to a computer to register can do so by telephone at 450 473-2796, extension 1125.
The seedlings will be delivered without contact and without an appointment. The plants will be placed outside the property. The handling of the jars / boxes will be ensured with vigilance, in compliance with the health instructions surrounding COVID-19. Delivery will take place from May 17 and will take place over a few days. It will not be possible to guarantee citizens when they will receive their selection.
The holding of this special edition of Horticultural Day greatly benefits from the participation of the Caisse Desjardins Saint-Eustache – Deux-Montagnes which, for the 12th consecutive year, has agreed to act as main partner. “The Caisse Desjardins de Saint-Eustache-Deux-Montagnes is pleased to be able to join forces with the City of Deux-Montagnes to offer citizens, once again this year, a reinvented horticultural day given the current situation. As a cooperative, the Caisse’s mission is to contribute to the well-being of individuals and of its community,” said Roland Tourangeau, representative of Caisse Desjardins Saint-Eustache-Deux-Montagnes.