The 2020 general assembly of occupational health and safety prevention mutuals of the Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ) was held on May 26th 2020 online.
On this occasion, the UMQ awarded, for the ninth consecutive year, awards of excellence to seven municipalities to highlight their exceptional performance for the years 2018-2019 within mutuals, both in terms of prevention and funding in terms of occupational health and safety and the management of occupational accidents.
The Union congratulated the winning municipalities and encourage its members to continue their prevention efforts in order to ensure safer workplaces for their employees, particularly in the context of the health crisis caused by the pandemic of COVID-19.
Apart from Bois-des-Filion, Joliette, MRC Etchemins, Matagami, Saint-Lazare, Saint-Raymond and Val-d’Or also were awarded.
About mutual OHS UMQ
Coordinated by the Carrefour du capital humain of the UMQ, Mutuelles de prévention en santé et sécurité du travail, bring together more than a hundred municipalities. They aim to offer their members highly qualified resources in OSH management, prevention and funding, while saving. On average, these have been around 20% over the past ten years. Since 2009, the municipalities that participate in mutuals have benefited from a return of contributions in the order of more than $ 7.5 million following management activities.
The voice of local governments
For 100 years now, the UMQ has brought together local governments from all regions of Quebec. Its mission is to exercise strong leadership for autonomous and effective local governments. It mobilizes municipal expertise, supports its members in the exercise of their skills and promotes municipal democracy. Its members, who represent more than 85% of the population and territory of Quebec, are grouped into affinity caucus: local municipalities, municipalities of centrality, regional cities, large cities and municipalities of the Metropolis.