On February 15, a ceremony was held for the promotion of officers at the Régie de police Thérèse-De Blainville. This activity took place at the Laurent G. Belley cultural center in Lorraine in the presence of the members of the board of directors of the RIPTB, the members of the staff, the families and colleagues of the nominees.
Last November, the management of the RIPTB had informed its staff of the adoption by the Board of Directors of a new governance structure within the executive officers of the Régie. Thus, Chief Inspector Luc Larocque was promoted to the rank of Assistant Director and Inspector Serge Harvey, appointed to the rank of Chief Inspector. Finally, on January 19, during the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Régie, Sergeant Karine Desaulniers was promoted to the position of inspector.
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The Chairman of the Board, Mayor Jean Comtois, accompanied by the members of the council was also happy to welcome these appointments. “Congratulations to the nominees. Being a police officer is demanding, so you need passionate people like you. With your exemplary career, I am certain that you will take up the new challenges that await you with brilliance”, mentioned the president of the RIPTB and mayor of Lorraine, Jean Comtois.
Director Francis Lanouette was very proud to give the new ranks to the promoted and to present them to the members of the CA. “These police officers have, through the quality of their work and the time devoted, acquired the necessary skill levels to perform new functions within the Régie. As you can see, I am surrounded by high-level officers and I am very happy to take part in this important ceremony for our nominees and for their family members,” concluded the director.