By Dimitris Ilias
The City of Rosemère held its regular monthly council meeting by videoconference on the 9th of November with Mayor Westram being alone in the council chambers.
Physical Activity
The mayor opened with the importance of physical activity and the efforts the city is doing to improve their leisure offers this winter. Every resident with their card will be able to practice for free their favorite winter activity at the Domaine vert park in Mirabel. He encouraged the residents to increase their physical activity and register their results on the city website in order for the city to win in the Mayor’s challenge in which the Rosemère has a slight lead.
Urban and Site Planning
A variety of dispensation requests were adopted including garage encroachments and a 28-meter depth regularization for 5 lots of the Rosenbloom project on De Langloiserie Street. New construction projects were covered as well as commercial signage and an expansion. A motion was tabled concerning the security measures along train tracks and a request was sent to the Thérèse-De Blainville RMC and the mandate for two members on the Consultative Committee on Urbanism (CCU) was renewed for 2 years
Question period
During the question period, the mayor addressed many different concerns. A complaint was made about the noise and parking situation of the new chalet which is being built. The mayor reassured that new rules will be put in place to protect the residents especially given that a increase in people taking advantage of the outdoor services of the City is expected, Questions keep coming concerning the golf course and the possibility of its use. The mayor spoke about the public consultations happening the last 3 years concerning urban development in the city and reiterated that for the moment the golf course is not for sale. Eric Westram also asked the residents to maintain a civil tone in their questions and communications with him. “The moment I treat you with disrespect then you can do the same to me” he said as an answer to a letter from one of the residents which he found offensive and vulgar concerning the famous golf course.
The mayor also maintained, answering a question from one of the residents, that the salaries of the elected officials of Rosemère are below the average of the usual for a city of this size and its budget. He said that the elected officials are “underpaid” compared with neighboring cities of the same size. The increases are according to inflation and “I can speak for everyone in this council that we are doing this not for the money, but for the love of Rosemère” concluded the mayor.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Day
As part of the 7th edition of the Bowvember fund-raising campaign orchestrated by the PROCURE organization, the Town of Rosemère is mobilizing to support the cause of the fight against prostate cancer. Through its financial assistance, Rosemère is contributing toward maintaining free information and support services for people affected either directly or indirectly by this disease. During the Council meeting, Rosemère once again this year adopted a resolution designating November 19 as “Prostate Cancer Awareness Day”. At this public meeting, proudly wearing the bow tie designed by creator Philippe Dubuc, all Town Council members—as ambassadors on behalf of the Town of Rosemère—are now inviting residents to purchase this symbol of the fight against prostate cancer. “I encourage Rosemerites to get this magnificent bow tie and wear it proudly throughout the month of November. This strong symbol—in addition to being elegant—is a source of funding for prostate cancer research and moreover reminds men that early detection of the tumour significantly improves their chances of overcoming this type of cancer,” stated Rosemère Mayor Eric Westram. Prostate cancer affects 12 men a day in Québec and is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Established in 2003, PROCURE is the only charitable organization entirely devoted to the fight against prostate cancer. It raises awareness, supports and informs people concerned by this disease. It promotes and contributes to the funding of world-class research; however, the funds raised through this campaign are reinvested exclusively in Québec.
Appointment of the deputy mayor
The position of deputy mayor passed from René Villeneuve to Philip Panet-Raymond for the next year and mayor Westram thanked everyone for their commitment to a position which is “often overlooked but nevertheless extremely important” .
Legal Services and finances
During his presentation Mr. Philip Panet-Raymond informed the council and the residents about a follow-up on the request to the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) and the demand of the city for the results of the noise level analysis along Autoroute 640 on Town of Rosemère territory. He also covered an agreement on the supply of drinking water to the Town of Bois-des-Filion and asked for the authorization for the director general of the city to represent it in a mediation hearing held by the Commission municipale du Québec, and as well as to sign the mediation settlement. Mr. Panet-Raymond also asked for a mandate to be given to the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) regarding the joint purchase of insurance to protect the reputation and privacy of elected officials and executives, and criminal responsibility insurance relating to health and safety issues.
Contracts awarded
During the meeting a number of contracts were awarded. Amon them, the supply of a low-speed electric utility vehicle, the purchase of two stationary 150 kW natural gas generators, the purchase of chemical products for drinking water and wastewater treatment for the period from January 1, 2021, to January 31, 2022, the collection, transportation, disposal and/or recycling of household waste and the purchase of salt for 2020-2021.
Sponsorships and subsidies
Finally, the following subsidies were given to local organizations:
a) $2700 to Maison Parenfant
b) $250 to the Centre d’aide aux personnes traumatisées crâniennes et handicapées physiques des Laurentides (CAPTCHPL)
c) $450 to Fonds de l’athlète des Laurentides
d) $250 to Fondation Liam
e) $1500 to Fondation Drapeau Deschambault Maisonneuve
f) $500 to Fondation Hôpital Saint-Eustache – Ding Don$