The winners of the 2021 virtual edition of the Rosemère in Bloom contest were announced on September 29 at an awards ceremony held at the Memorial Community Centre. The contest, which was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, is now in its 32nd year. The Rosemère community is very fond of this annual horticultural tradition.
“Despite the public health measures, we are happy to have been able to hold the contest this year, in an adapted yet original format. Rosemerites are creative, proud and concerned about their environment and this is reflected in the aesthetics and composition of their landscaping and floral arrangements. Through their passion for horticulture, they contribute toward enhancing our neighbourhood and urban landscape. I would like to warmly congratulate all the participants and winners of the 2021 edition as well as the members of the Rosemère in Bloom Committee, who have brilliantly and inventively risen to the challenge of this special edition,” said Eric Westram, Mayor of Rosemère.
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This year, the format was transformed into a virtual photography contest. Participants were invited to send in photos of their gardens by entering them in one of the contest categories. The Rosemère in Bloom Committee served as the panel of judges and organized the contest.
Here are the grand-prize winners in the five different categories (residential only):
Front in Bloom: 296 Rose-Alma Street
Cosy Corner: 277 Willowtree Street
Vegetable Garden: 273 De la Clairière Street
Environmental Action: a tie between 258 Labonté Street (drought-resistant landscaping with perennial cactuses) and 244 Northcliffe Street (green roof on shed)
Backyard: 273 De la Clairière Street
2021 virtual edition of the Secret Garden Tour
Like the Rosemère in Bloom contest, the 21st edition of the Secret Garden Tour was also held virtually. Thanks to drones, high-definition video images of eight landscaped areas were captured during the summer, with the consent of the owners who had expressed their interest, in advance, in participating in this event. These images were used in the recent production of eight video clips that will be broadcast on the Citie’s communication platforms. The first video will be posted in the next few days. Once all eight video clips are released, they will be accessible and archived on the Town’s website
Mayor Westram took the opportunity of the ceremony to thank the participants of the 2021 virtual edition of the Secret Garden Tour.