Rosemère announced its contribution to the Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité (Fonds MB), an initiative of the Québec chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Québec) and the Fondation de la faune du Québec. With this commitment, the Town is once again taking concrete action to fight climate change and the loss of biodiversity on its territory.
By participating in the Fund, the Town has pledged to contribute the equivalent of $1 per household per year to the Fund—an amount that represents $5,251 for 2020. This amount will be increased 100% through the contribution of Québec’s Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques. The amounts deposited in the Fund are therefore cumulative and reserved for small or medium-size territory conservation projects or wildlife habitat protection projects that will be carried out in Rosemère.
“By becoming a member of the Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité, the Town of Rosemère is taking a concrete step to increase its resilience in the face of climate change, which is causing a loss of biodiversity on our territory. As a municipality, we recognize the importance of protecting our environment, and have done so for many years. Protecting biodiversity is part of this commitment to our future generations to provide them with an environment that is always good to live in. We are proud to be a member of the Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité (the Municipal Biodiversity Fund), which will enable us to carry out environmental projects in the coming years,” stated Rosemère Mayor Eric Westram.
“Municipalities play a leading role in implementing concrete solutions to address the biodiversity crisis and fight climate change. By becoming one of the first municipalities to join this Fund, Rosemère is still present, present for the future,” stated Isabelle Bérubé, Director of Development for the Québec chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Québec).
About the Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité
The Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité (Fonds MB) is intended for municipalities that want to build capacity to fight climate change and biodiversity loss.
The Fund is an initiative of the Québec chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, in partnership with the Fondation de la faune du Québec. Supported by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, the Fund aims, in particular, to protect natural spaces in urbanized areas.
Each member municipality therefore pledges to contribute $1 per year per household to a fund reserved for it, which will enable it to accumulate the funds needed to carry out projects to protect natural environments and therefore biodiversity as well.