Monday, July 22, 2024
The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the Laurentides region has announced a new music therapy service aimed at supporting parents experiencing perinatal grief and children and adolescents grieving the loss of a parent. Music therapy, in the...
The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the Laurentides is celebrating a remarkable milestone as they mark the 4,000th birth assisted by their dedicated team of midwives at the Boisé-de-Blainville Birth Center. Little Anna Carpentier's arrival into...
The CISSS des Laurentides has once again issued a plea to the public, urging consideration of alternatives to emergency room visits during the high-pressure holiday season. This appeal, however, is not a standalone occurrence but part of a recurring...
In a significant move to combat homelessness, the Quebec government has announced a substantial funding boost for the southern Laurentians region. The Ministers responsible for Social Services and Finance, Lionel Carmant and Eric Girard, respectively, have disclosed an allocation...
In a remarkable achievement, the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) des Laurentides proudly declares a historic 24% reduction in work-related accidents among its personnel over the past year. This noteworthy trend not only reflects the commitment of...
The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the Laurentians is launching a comprehensive vaccination campaign against respiratory viruses, kicked off on October 10 in the Laurentians region. The primary objective of this initiative is to provide free...
Responding to the evolving epidemiological landscape in Quebec and the Laurentides region, coupled with the heightened transmission of COVID-19 within communities and healthcare settings, the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) des Laurentides has announced pivotal adjustments to...
The Laurentides Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) is embarking on a mission to elevate its healthcare practices by engaging informal caregivers. In an effort to enhance care partnerships involving medical staff, patients, their informal caregivers, and community...
In a display of community spirit and compassion, Rosemère residents came together on September 18 and 19 for the annual blood drive organized by the Town Council. This event, held at Place Rosemère and coordinated by Héma-Québec, not only...
In a groundbreaking move, the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of Laurentides has introduced an innovative project within its rehabilitation center located on Boyer Street in Saint-Jérôme. This pioneering endeavor has transformed the facility into a creative...