Monday, July 22, 2024
On June 18th, the St-Jude staff and community came together to celebrate their 33 graduates with an outdoor ceremony. Dimitris Ilias It is an event that all the parents and students look forward to. Committees are formed to organize it, fundraisers are held to...
Participating in a High school musical production has to be one of the biggest highs in a students’ life. For the cast and crew of A nightmare before Christmas, a massive production by the Rosemere High School drama club, directed by Stephanie Cocking, Covid-19 hit just a few weeks before opening night. Now, these talented kids will probably not be able to present their labor of love. They will not savor all these special experiences like seeing their work bear fruit after endless rehearsals hours, that endorphin-inducing applause, those moments on stage when time stops or attempting to stifle a paroxysmal attack of the giggles backstage. Yet the students of Rosemere High are taking it all in stride and their teacher is coming to realize how much more this production meant to them than the end result.
The Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board following the closure of all its schools to avoid the spread of Covid-19 sprung into action to keep its students educated, motivated, occupied and entertained during these difficult times.
Rosemere High along with Crestview and Laval Senior Academy donated over 3000 pairs of gloves and 500 masks to Santé Publique in order to deal with the rising demand for materials in the front lines of the war against the virus.
Martin C. Barry Members of the Sacred Heart School of Montreal community raised $60,000 on Jan. 31 during a Raise the Roof capital campaign event to help build a new auditorium for Sacred Heart’s music and drama programs.One hundred and...