46 new family doctors expected in 2022 in the Laurentians

46 new family doctors expected in 2022 in the Laurentians

The Laurentians Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) will welcome 46 doctors in the region during the year 2022. This considerable boost to the health services of the region with their gradual arrival will allow greater medical coverage for home support services and care for people waiting for a family doctor. Many of them will also join the medical teams of hospitals and CHSLDs in the region.

Ms. Rosemonde Landry, President and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides, was delighted with this


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news. “The arrival of these 46 new general practitioners will make it possible to solidify current services. We look forward to welcoming them to our various care settings,” said Ms. Landry.

This news follows the announcement by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Christian Dubé,

regarding the addition of 442 family physicians in all regions of Quebec. Each year, the regions are granted a number of positions in family medicine by the Department in order to distribute geographically and equitably the medical staff for all regions of Quebec. This  distribution is carried out according to the difference observed between the needs and the resources of each region.

The arrival of the new family doctors will also help decongest the hospitals of the region which were overloaded for a very long time, not only due to covid but also because of staff shortages and long awaited expansions that are taking too long to be completed.

Breakdown of the 2022 Regional Medical Staffing Plan (PREM) in the Laurentians region:

Sector Number of PREMs

MRC of Antoine-Labelle                                                          4

MRC of Laurentides                                                                  4

MRC of Pays-d’en-Haut                                                           2

MRC of Argenteuil                                                                    3

MRC of Deux -Mountains and Mirabel-Sud sector             11

MRC de la Rivière-du-Nord and Mirabel-Nord sector        16

MRC de Thérèse-De Blainville                                                6

TOTAL FOR THE LAURENTIANS                                               46