A massive tree planting project

On the left, Maxime Brisson, owner of the residence, Isabelle Lefebvre, municipal councillor and president of the Environment and Beautification Commission, and on the far right, Daniel Goyer, municipal councillor and vice-president of this same commission as well as Pierre Charron, mayor of Saint-Eustache.

On the occasion of Earth Day, the Mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron, was proud to announcing the implementation, next fall, of an ambitious Canopy plan, via which more than 4000 new trees will be planted in the urban part of the Eustachian territory, between 2022 and 2025, in order to enrich the forest cover of the City as well as the quality of life of the current and future population.

 As part of the City’s Urban Forestry Policy, this major green operation will serve in particular to combat urban heat islands, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote biodiversity. “Among the preferred locations for planting, priority is given to street rights-of-way and municipal parks. Tree species will be strategically selected to ensure the longest possible life for the tree and to maximize its benefits depending on the location. We are also going to adapt the regulations in order to protect this collective wealth,” explained the mayor.


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For her part, the chair of the Environment and Beautification Commission, municipal councillor Isabelle Lefebvre, stressed the importance of a forest cover provided in the fight against climate change and in maintaining biodiversity. “Increasing the number of trees in the city reduces urban heat islands, heat-related health problems and respiratory problems. Thanks to their foliage, trees also serve as natural air conditioners and therefore represent significant energy savings. They also generate great water savings by capturing rainwater and directing it to the ground rather than to municipal sewer systems. Finally, the trees create an undeniable feeling of pride and belonging,” she declared, also announcing that the City of Saint-Eustache is also committed to distributing, for a sixth consecutive year, 120 additional trees to citizens, in addition to distributing 100 tree shoots from the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks during the month of May, Tree and Forest Month.

Saint-Eustache, municipality committed to ecological transition

For the elected officials of Saint-Eustache, in the face of the environmental crisis, cities have a leading role to play in the ambitious transition underway. Taking this responsibility very seriously, and making an official commitment in this regard, the City of Saint-Eustache has thus joined the movement of Municipal Partners of Earth Day Canada, in order to draw inspiration from the most convincing experiences in terms of ecological transition. “The acceleration of the phenomenon of climate change requires us to move up a gear, for the good of future generations, which we are tackling now. I invite everyone involved in this essential fight to join us and take concrete action on this Earth Day,” concludedMayor Pierre Charron.