The City of Boisbriand puts its flag at half mast as a sign of respect to the death of Mr. Derek Aucoin, which occurred on December 26 at the age of 50. Mayor Marlene Cordato will also took advantage of the city council meeting this to pay tribute to a man “larger than life” who will forever remain a source of inspiration for a whole generation of baseball players.
“Derek has been a great ambassador for the city of Boisbriand. He has always been generous with his time and with his person. Proud Boisbriannais, Derek Aucoin has shared his passion for baseball with many citizens on several occasions. The last time was on August 15, when he came to make a ceremonial throw with his son Dawson at the receiver position, on the baseball field in Charbonneau Park which has been named after him in his honor since 2009” , said Mayor Marlene Cordato.
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Born in Lachine in 1970, Derek grew up in Boisbriand on Place Cotnoir. It was in the park opposite the family home that young Derek developed his passion for baseball.
In the summer of 1980, his meeting with Expos player André Dawson, then passing through Charbonneau Park in Boisbriand, sealed his fate: on May 21, 1996, Derek Aucoin would make his first appearance in the Montreal Expos uniform at the San Francisco stadium.
Honorary President very involved in the blood drives of the City of Boisbriand in 2016, 2017 and 2018, Derek Aucoin received, on December 15, the medal of the National Assembly of Quebec for his social involvement and his great values human.
The members of the municipal council as well as all the staff of the City of Boisbriand unite their voices to offer their most sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of Derek Aucoin.