The City asks the Ministry of the Environment to intervene
Following the publication in the media of the existence of a confidential report dating from 2017 that would indicate a level of contamination higher than the norms of the former Rosemère golf course, the City requested the rapid intervention of the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change to validate this information. Not having the authority to conduct its own environmental analysis of this private property, the City turns to the Ministry, which has the responsibility to act when such information is disclosed.
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Officials of the City verified that they never had access to the contents or any conclusions of the said document and do not hold any documents referring to this contamination and this private property is not registered in the Quebec government’s directory of contaminated sites.
In a press release dated September 17th 2021, Rosemère is reminding its citizens that the law already states that no project can be implemented without an environmental study, regardless of the change in land use. In the consultation process, it is foreseen that any development plan will have to be submitted to a series of studies, on the environmental, social, and economic levels. At the last meeting, the municipal council reiterated the importance of the potential impacts of any project by adopting a resolution to hold a referendum with the entire population at the request of citizens in accordance with the applicable law.