Emergency rooms still overflowing in the Laurentians

Emergency rooms still overflowing in the Laurentians

It is a problem that was exacerbated by the pandemic but nevertheless brewing for many years.

Overflowing ERs in the Laurentians. The CISSS des Laurentides reminded us of it by once more asking in the beginning of May to avoid emergency rooms in the event of non-emergency health problems


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According to their announcement, due to the high occupancy rates in the region’s emergency rooms, the Integrated Health Center and social services (CISSS) of the Laurentians asked, once more,  the population with non-emergency health problems to opt for other solutions than going to the emergency room. People whose situation is not critical were invited to evaluate the various possible alternatives.

The following options should always be considered according to the Cisss des Laurentides

• Call 811 Info-Santé to speak to a nurse;

• Consult a family doctor;

• See a doctor at a walk-in clinic at rvsq.gouv.qc.ca;

• See a doctor in a pediatric clinic if the child meets the access criteria;

• Consult a pharmacist.

The CISSS des Laurentides assures the population that urgent cases will be taken care of quickly throughout the region. A person in a critical and unstable situation should not hesitate to go to the emergency room, where essential care will be offered.

At the same time the organization as part of the annual day for managers in the health and social services network, which was be held on May 18, highlighted the high quality of the work of its some

500 managers, particularly in the context of COVID-19.

The management of the CISSS wished in particular to highlight their hard work without counting their hours,especially over the past two years, to support the teams of employees for whom a week

of recognition will also be created next June.

In order to deal with the health crisis and maintain a quality service offer to the population of the

Laurentians, it is not without sacrifice in their personal lives that the managers have invested time,

and put their skills and talents to good use every day so that all patients receive the services

to which they are entitled.

“On behalf of our entire organization, I would like to thank our managers for having helped make a

difference on a daily basis throughout the pandemic. Both in the clinical sectors and in the support sectors, our management team was able to stay the course on new priorities, and all this, in a context where the way of doing things had to be modified on several occasions”, said Ms. Rosemonde Landry, President and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides.

The CISSS des Laurentides brings together hospitals, CLSCs, residential centers, protection and rehabilitation centers for young people with adjustment difficulties, rehabilitation centers for intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, physical disability rehabilitation centers and addiction rehabilitation centers.