(NSN) Linda Lapointe, incumbent MP and Liberal candidate in the riding of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles, launched her campaign on Sept. 18, surrounded by a hundred citizens.
A woman of heart and mind, Lapointe said she is very proud of the results of the last four years of her party.
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She pointed out that it is thanks to her government that more than 10,000 families in Rivière-des-Mille-Îles can now benefit from the non-taxable Canada Child Benefit, which represents, on average, a chequeof $570 per month.
Key role for Lapointe
Lapointe also played a key role in negotiating with major credit card companies to lower management fees for merchants, a huge help for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).
Other very important issues for the candidate and her party are the environment and the fight against climate change. She said she is very proud to reiterate that her government has put a price on pollution through the carbon tax and wants to continue moving forward.
Historical investments
She noted that historical investments in the country’s infrastructure, public transport and the development of green technologies have also been made. She said the government has protected more Canadian coastal areas, forests and territories than ever before.
Canadians can also receive a $5,000 grant from the federal government for the purchase of an electric car. The incumbent MP has also managed, in partnership with the city of Deux-Montagnes, to earmark $49 million from the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund to prevent future floods for cities from Oka to Rosemère.
Improvements ahead
“In addition to working on national priorities, being re-elected will allow me to work hard on key issues in my riding,” she said. “Among other things, we must continue to improve mobility, provide more help to seniors, continue to improve the quality of life of our families and fight against climate change.
“The experience gained in recent years and the business relationships I have developed across the country will serve me well in working for the future of Rivière-des-Mille-Îles,” added Lapointe. “We must choose to move forward.”