As the new year started, the new budget was presented by the administration with Mayor Jean Comtois highlighting certain files that were significant for the year 2021. With regard to public safety and the beautification of the territory, Boulevard De Gaulle has been reconfigured to improve the sharing the road. A new cyclopedestrian route has been set up on the west, north and south sides of the boulevard. On the other hand, several streets in the Ronchamp sector have been repaved and new play structures have been added to the André-Rufiange, Sorbiers and Sapins parks.
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The Comtois administration pointed out that the city has been creative in the context of a pandemic, especially in the desire to get citizens moving and entertained. The mayor also reviewed the agreements concluded with the Golf de Lorraine and the Domaine Vert park in Mirabel to allow citizens to practice winter sports there for free. With a balanced budget of $17,499,443, the fiscal year is down 0.18% compared to the previous year and allows both the continuity of ongoing projects such as the sports complex, the noise barrier and the seniors’ residence. The budget also involves a three-year capital expenditure program which announces investments of $10,285,000. These amounts will be used to renovate, acquire equipment, and bring various buildings, parks and green spaces up to standard.
In addition, the new three-year roll indicates a variation rate of 18.53%, leading the city to reduce the combined property tax rate. Thus, the increase in the municipal tax bill is limited to 1.5%, below the consumer price index.
Public work of art: call for applications
Sculptors of Lorraine are invited by the city to present their abilities by submitting their application by February 20, 2022 at the latest to imoreau@ville.lorraine.qc.ca and propose a work that harmonizes with the chosen location and evokes seniors. It is expected that the selected sculpture will be installed in the spring of 2022. The selection committee will be made up of representatives of the municipality and a member of the Club Lorr “Aînés”, an elected official as well as a person specializing in visual arts with knowledge of public art. Click here to find out how to register and the selection criteria.
“This project fits well with the orientations of our Cultural Policy. The latter aims to develop projects integrating the arts into the environment, to oversee the cultural development of our territory and to make culture accessible to all. It also pursues the objective of creating a sense of belonging to their living environment among the people of Lorraine. The choice of the surroundings of the Cultural Center as the place where to develop this Place des Aînés and install a permanent work of art was self-evident since this building has housed the premises of the Club Lorr “Aînés” for many years. We are excited about this project and are eagerly awaiting applications,” said Diane D. Lavallée, municipal councilor responsible for arts and culture.