Despite the health situation we are facing, a number of investments have been made in Rosemère to provide a better quality of life for our residents. These projects have received funds from several programs providing financial assistance as well as grants from the Québec government and organizations.
Waterworks on Maurice, Roland, Jean and Tylee streets
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In 2020, Rosemère finalized the major rehabilitation work undertaken since 2019 on Maurice, Roland, Jean and Tylee streets. As part of this $2-million infrastructure project, the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) provided $382,000 in financial support under component 2 of the PRIMEAU municipal water infrastructure program (Programme d’infrastructures municipales d’eau).
“As a responsible municipality, we must look after the maintenance of our infrastructure and ensure that everything is working efficiently. By carrying out this rehabilitation work, we wanted to improve the quality of life of the residents who live on these streets as well as their safety when walking, cycling or driving. Despite the inconveniences caused by these worksites since the summer of 2019, residents now appreciate the improvements made. We would like to publicly thank the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation for their financial support,” stated Rosemère Mayor Eric Westram.
Waterworks on Forget and Montclair streets
As part of the work to replace the water main on Forget and Montclair streets, this project was submitted under the financial assistance program of the Québec 2019-2023 Gas tax and contribution program (TECQ). This request for financial assistance is currently being examined; however, we may be able to obtain up to 100% of the costs of the work. A decision is expected next year.
Bicycle path
As part of the project to rehabilitate a portion of the bicycle path north of Autoroute 640, Rosemère received financial support from Trans Canada Trail organization, which made it possible to carry out this project totalling $382,000 before taxes. Thanks to a generous grant of $110,000, Trans Canada Trail is therefore supporting the City’s local network (Le P’tit Train du Nord), while contributing to the continuous improvement of this great trail on a national scale.
In addition, a grant application was recently submitted to the Ministère des Transports (MTQ) in order to recover a maximum of 50% of the balance of the cost of the work. Once again, the decision is expected next year.
Since the end of September 2020, the 1.4-km section between Roland-Durand Boulevard and Montée Lesage north of Highway 640 has undergone major repairs during the fall months.
Charbonneau Chalet
In October 2020, Rosemère held the ground-breaking ceremony for the project to build the new Charbonneau Chalet, located in the park of the same name on the banks of the Mille-Îles River. Covering an area of 35 feet by 40 feet, this building will be accessible both summer and winter. It will have locker rooms with washrooms, a rest area where people can change their clothes and put on their skates during the winter as well as a watercraft rental service in the summer. In addition, there will be a terrace on the second floor where it will be possible to admire the scenery. Moreover, educational posters on the features of this eco-responsible building will give residents the opportunity to learn more about this ecological aspect, and even to be inspired by it!
The City relied on the substantial financial support of the Corporation de développement culturel et sportif de Rosemère (CDCSR), which has agreed to contribute an annual amount of $60,000 over a 15-year period, representing 50% of the cost of building the chalet.
“This is a project that is near and dear to our hearts and long awaited since we made this commitment back in 2017. It is with great excitement that we are embarking on this major project to construct this new building, which will become an ecological recreational hub in partnership with the Corporation de développement culturel et sportif de Rosemère and the Éco-Nature organization. We are confident that we will be able to hold the official inauguration in the fall of 2021,” stated Rosemère Mayor Eric Westram.