Saint-Eustache mobilizing after major fire on rue Hector-Lanthier

Saint-Eustache mobilizing after major fire on rue Hector-Lanthier

The City of Saint-Eustache mobilized the day after a major fire that completely destroyed a building in apartments on rue Hector-Lanthier, in Saint-Eustache on December 12th 2022. Together with its partners and community organizations, the City strived to support the people affected by this tragedy in the various steps and actions to be taken for the future.

The Red Cross: front-line partner for the first 72 hours


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Dispatched to the scene from the first minutes, the Canadian Red Cross took care of 14 families, or 31 people in total, to house, clothe and feed them during the 72 hours following the incident.

A daytime reception center for disaster victims at the Maison du citoyen

The City invited all households affected by this tragedy to go to the Maison du citoyen (184, rue Saint-Eustache), to inform municipal staff on site of their physical, psychological, material and social needs. The City is working with community organizations and partners to be able to support disaster victims so that they have access to the resources and services they need.

“I am extremely saddened by this sad event. We work with partners who have the resources to help these people. I saw a huge wave of generosity from all over Quebec and I want to say that it means a lot to me.” said the mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron.

Donations of money or material goods

The City is also making an inventory of the needs of the disaster victims and is coordinating, with its organizations and community partners, the efforts to organize assistance for the disaster victims of as efficiently and quickly as possible.

People wishing to make material donations can send an email to, indicating their full contact information (name, address, email address and telephone number) as well as details of the items to be donated. They will be contacted as needed. People wishing to make a cash donation can contact the La Traverse help center at 450 983-5084.