Some 700 children’s drawings, letters and cards offered to seniors

Some 700 children’s drawings, letters and cards offered to seniors

Children of employees of Integrated Health and the Laurentian Social Services Center (CISSS) and young people in their twenties as well as elementary schools in the region have voluntarily responded to a call inviting them to express on paper words of encouragement to share with seniors in different residences in the current context of the pandemic COVID-19.

Seniors received loving drawings, letters and cards as gifts some700 children. Their enthusiasm and appreciation were great.
The initiative was born from the direction of the CISSS which, last May, as it invited all its staff to involve
their children in the creation of drawings which would then be given to senior residents in the CISSS territory. “We were also happy to request the collaboration of school boards and schools, open to this intergenerational project,” said Rosemonde Landry, president and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides.


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“Such a project is first and foremost an activity of sharing, empathy and generosity, which involves the little ones and thereby develops their sensitivity towards the elderly who were very isolated at certain times of the pandemic. “.
Thus, each of the 765 inhabitants of 24 residences was given a drawing (plasticized for reasons of infection prevention and control). Each of the moments of sharing generated a lot of happiness, both for the residents and for the staff members of the various facilities.
“This distribution has been a balm on heavy hearts and a glimmer of hope in this difficult period for
the elders, showing them solidarity and a presence in thought on the part of the community. A
sincere thank you is offered to all those who took part in this unifying project,” concluded Ms.