Summer internships in Annecy in France

Young Teresians invited to submit their application

As part of the friendship pact that unites the cities of Sainte-Thérèse and Annecy, six young people will have the chance to fly in France in the summer of 2023 to participate in the Discovery Stay internship program. For a period of four weeks, they will develop knowledge in a field that fascinates them while visiting this splendid region of Europe.

To be eligible, candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 25, be residents of Sainte-Thérèse or be studying full-time in an educational institution located on Teresian territory. The participants will be hosted by the City of Annecy and will each receive a $1,000 grant offered by the City of Sainte-Thérèse, to help pay for transportation costs.


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“The City is proud to participate each year in this cultural exchange project with its twin city, Annecy. Thanks to the pact of friendship that unites us, young residents and students of Sainte‑Thérèse have the opportunity to acquire enriching work experience and to visit one of the most beautiful cities in France. If you know young people around you who dream of having an adventure abroad next summer, tell them about this internship offer! »,said the mayor of Sainte-Thérèse, Mr. Christian Charron.

Here are the available internships:

Reception and surveillance agent (2 internships available) – Museum-Château

Reception and cultural events agent reception and maintenance (2 courses available) – Camping Le Belvédère

Bicycle repairer and animation (1 course available) – Roule & Co

Room and maintenance agent – Résidence du Pré Saint Jean

Assistant animal care (1 internship available) – Horticulture Center of the City of Annecy

Communications assistant (1 internship available) – Alliance française d’Annecy

Reception and event agent – Association Art by Friends

See detailed descriptions and eligibility conditions at www.sainte‑ To submit an application, young Teresians must send their cv accompanied by a photo and a cover letter (2 pages maximum) before February 3, 2023 to

To learn more about the city of Annecy, also nicknamed the Venice of the Alps, readers can visit their Facebook page or go to