The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) des Laurentides is actively looking for interested and able people to become host families for young people aged 12 to 18.
The shortage of resources is still considerable for this clientele. In fact, the Laurentians region is faced with a significant increase in requests for accommodation, for all its clienteles. The CISSS des Laurentides calls on people who have acquired knowledge in the health and social services network or life experience with this age category to express their interest in becoming a foster family for a youth in need. It should be noted that all measures will be taken to avoid the gathering of people wishing to obtain information on the various basic criteria to become host families.
New digital technologies now offer the possibility of holding meetings at a distance, thus facilitating the sharing of information.
Interested citizens can contact the CISSS des Laurentides at recruitment.rtf.cissslau@ssss.gouv.qc.ca