The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) des Laurentides wishes to inform the population that the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, which will begin shortly, is the priority of the organization from now on and for the next few months.
CISSS teams are currently highly active in preparations for the campaign to be ready to vaccinate, the precise delivery date of which will be confirmed shortly. To work on this planning, a new internal coordination structure was put in place to oversee the logistics of the vaccination campaign in the Laurentians.
Ms. Caroline Chantal will act as director responsible for the COVID-19 vaccination file. In close collaboration with Dr. Danielle Auger, medical consultant at the Department of Public Health, they will be assisted by a strategic committee made up of representatives from several departments of the CISSS des Laurentides. This committee will analyze, on a regular basis, the various issues surrounding the vaccination campaign and ensure its proper functioning.
“With all the challenges generated by COVID-19, ending the spread of the virus is an essential priority for us and the vaccination campaign is our organizational priority. Even if several orientations related to the progress of the vaccination campaign remain to be confirmed, we are already in action. Thus, when the time comes to start vaccination, we will be effective from the start, while maintaining our efforts to provide quality care and services to the population,” explained Rosemonde Landry, President and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides.
In addition to sharing this organizational priority, the President and CEO is committed to sending regular communications to the population and providing access to the latest information from the santelaurentides.gouv.qc.ca website. Thus, Laurentians will be able to stay informed at all times of the progress of the vaccination campaign, which will take place over several months. “I fully understand the public’s eagerness to know where and when they can get the vaccine. What we do know so far is that vaccination is expected to start by the end of December. It should be remembered that the doses will be limited at the start and distributed gradually, to the priority groups identified by the Committee on Immunization of Quebec, that is to say the vulnerable people and with great loss of autonomy who reside in the residential centers long-term care (CHSLD) or in intermediate and family-type resources (RI RTF) and workers in the health and social services network in contact with patients,” said Rosemonde Landry.
Finally, the President and CEO reminds everyone that even if vaccines will be available shortly, the population of the Laurentians must not relax their rigor when it comes to respecting health measures. “Continue your efforts to protect yourself and the most vulnerable!”