On Tuesday, November 14, 2022, thanks to the vigilance of the Thérèse-De Blainville police department (RIPTB) patrol officers, three men aged between 20 and 26 were arrested; one driving a stolen vehicle and the other two, accomplices in this theft. The vehicles were seized to be examined by experts and the three suspects were questioned by the investigators.
For several months, the greater Montreal area has been grappling with a literal plague of theft of Dodge Ram brand vehicles. The Régie intermunicipale de police Thérèse-De Blainville invites owners of these vehicles to take the necessary precautions to help the authorities prevent this phenomenon,” explained Inspector Martin Charron.
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No one is safe from car theft. However, criminals are more likely to steal a vehicle that is not sufficiently protected. So these are the general rules issuewd by the RIPTB concerning vehicle theft: Lock the car’s doors, don’t leave the keys in the car, leave nothing lying around, park in a secure car park, install an anti-theft alarm and a steering wheel lock, opt for an electronic immobilizer system, watermark your car windows and invest in a GPS tracking device.
False 911 calls, a major problem!
Also, from the RIPTB we have received this special announcement about false 911 calls. Cell phones have become a huge problem for 911 operators who must manage many calls made in error from these devices. Indeed, on these “false calls”, several are made from a mobile phone, without the owner realizing it. Pre-programmed button snagged inadvertently, or number dialed by mistake, these calls are often received at emergency centres.
With the holidays approaching, the RIPTB wants to make parents aware of how to dispose of their old cell phones responsibly, rather than giving them away as toys which can then be used to dial 911 for no reason. Even without the SIM card in the phone, it is indeed possible to call for help. A situation that may seem trivial, but which overburdens and distracts the emergency services.