The Régie de police Thérèse-De Blainville is informing the citizens of the region of the establishment of a new team of investigators, which will be mainly dedicated to issues related to domestic violence. Since August 22, three detective sergeants supervised by a lieutenant-detective ensure the rapid handling of files related to this important security issue. A fourth investigator will join the team in the coming weeks.
“When our patrolling police officers have elements suggesting a context of domestic violence, our new team will be notified and a proactive intervention can be deployed”, explains Chief Inspector Jean-François Lalande, in charge of criminal investigations at the RIPTB .
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“Our investigators are coming to improve the services offered and of course will continue to work in partnership with organizations supporting and monitoring victims and their loved ones!” We are sensitive to the realities of this problem, dedicated and mobilized in order to ensure the safety of victims and provide referrals to vulnerable people,” added Detective Lieutenant Jonathan Germain.
The RIPTB already offers personalized services with the Crime Victims Assistance Center (CAVAC) from our office. Domestic violence is not limited to physical violence. The law prohibits many of these violent behaviors that affect the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of the victim and the children who are exposed to them.
Domestic violence occurs in the context of a romantic relationship, whether current or past. It can occur in any type of intimate relationship, regardless of its duration: married or in a civil union, de facto spouses or any other intimate relationship between people of the same sex or not. This type of violence can show up at any age and often results in an imbalance of power within the relationship. To control the victim, the violent person uses multiple strategies, such as insults, threats or intimidation.
This team is partially funded by a grant from the Ministry of Public Security as part of the action plan on domestic violence.