The domestic and family violence discussion groups of Deux-Montagnes – south of Mirabel, of Rivière-du-Nord – North Mirabel, of Thérèse-De Blainville and of Argenteuil united to create a website on romantic relationships and separation: www.violenceconjugale.ca . The pandemic has revealed social fragilities and Quebec news has been marked by several feminicides and infanticides in contexts of domestic and family violence. Many of these acts were committed in the context of separation, a most dangerous moment for women who are victims of domestic violence and sometimes for their children.
The website is part of a process started in 2019-2020 that led to the creation of the magazine “Separation: survival guide”. The pandemic may have slowed down the creation and launch of the website, but at the same time has highlighted its usefulness and provided an opportunity to update information to reflect current issues (LGBTQ+, Indigenous, etc.). The round tables aim to provide the population with tools to enable people struggling with a situation of domestic violence, but also their loved ones, to recognize the signs of violence and to act before it is too late by seeking ugly.
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The domestic and family violence consultation tables bring together several partners concerned by the problem: shelters for women victims of violence and their children, women’s centres, organization offering help to men with violent behavior (ACCROC), crime victims assistance center (CAVAC), police services, mental health and street work organizations, CISSS des Laurentides, DPJ, etc. The creation of the site was made possible thanks to the financial support of the CISSS des Laurentides for consultations on domestic and family violence.