The members of the municipal council of the City of Saint-Eustache invite young Eustachois, aged 16 to 25 and wishing to put their ideas to contribute, to apply to become a member of the Youth Commission. Their mandate will be for a period of two years, renewable.
The Commission is made up of seven volunteer citizens, aged 16 to 25, accompanied by three municipal councilors, namely Ms. Isabelle Lefebvre, Mr. Marc Lamarre and Mr. Patrice Paquette as well as employees of the City of Saint-Eustache. The selected candidates will be asked to provide ideas or suggestions to the municipal council, to analyze projects, to participate and to represent the young Eustachians at municipal events, to propose projects to be carried out according to a budget, as well as to produce an annual action plan.
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The impacts of the first two years
“In barely two years of existence, the Saint-Eustache Youth Commission has already left an important mark on the community. She is not only at the origin of many innovative projects, but she has also positively influenced several orientations within the municipal administration, in particular with regard to the environment and the future of the Nature Park. His contribution to the advancement of our community is undeniable and we sincerely hope that other young people will in turn enrich us with their ideas and their dynamism,” said the president of the Youth Commission, Mr. Marc Lamarre.
Among the projects initiated by the Youth Commission, Marc Lamarre notably highlights the holding of workshops on composting in schools, the use of reusable glasses for events, and the organization of a virtual show for children. youth. “In addition, the members got involved with heart in several popular events and with community organizations in the region, which allowed them to easily reach the youth clientele throughout the territory”.
With the first term of the advisory members about to end, it is now time to recruit new faces to represent the youth of the municipality. The City of Saint-Eustache therefore invites young Eustachians from all walks of life who wish to get involved, to complete the online application form, available until November 6, 2020, at saint-eustache.ca/ youth-applications.