“I will be the mayor of ALL Rosemerites”
It was about 9pm on Sunday night that the results of the municipal elections started rolling in at the Rosemère curling club where incumbent mayor Eric Westram’s Innovaction plus team and supporters gathered to await them. Right from the beginning, as soon as the first polling station out of the 54 in Rosemère reported it was clear that Westram would hold a solid lead.
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The final results came down to a win for Eric Westram who got a 54% of the vote compared to Pierre-André Geoffrion who got 44,6 %. All of the candidates of his team were also all elected, some with sizeable majorities like counselor Philip Panet-Raymond that won with a 655-vote difference.

Among the biggest priorities of his second term are the city budget and the distribution of portfolios to the different councilors according to Mr. Westram. “Our great advantage is our thirst for constant and effective communication with our citizens” emphasized the reelected mayor adding that nothing can move forward and get resolved without proper communication, adding that this is an area where his team has invested a lot and will continue to do so with even more vigor.
“Our councilors will be close to the people they represent, and all of them know their areas very well” added the mayor.
Philip Panet-Raymond joined the interview adding that the Golf course is also a very big priority for the team. Rosemère needs to take care of its aging population which hemorrhages to other cities. “As soon some of our residents grow older, they sell their houses and move out of town. We need to address this by developing a variety of solutions from halfway housing to full-fledged residences for the elderly and whenever the road opens, the golf course is a place where we can do that” said Pane-Raymond. At the same time Mayor Westram emphasized that a minimum of 50% of the golf course will stay green whenever the city acquires it.