from left to right :
Erik Johnson, City Councillor, district du Lac
Michel Mendes, City Councillor, district du Coteau
Dave Byers, Treasurer of the Lion’s Club of Deux-Montagnes
Florindo Stabile, President of the Lion’s Club of Deux-Montagnes,
Denis Martin, Mayor of Deux-Montagnes
Micheline Groulx Stabile, City Councillor, district of Olympia,
Pascale Dupuis, Director of the Culture and Library
On October 27th, the Library of Deux-Montagnes has received a grant of $ 1500 offered by the Lion’s Club of Deux-Montagnes to expand its collection of large print books and audio-books.
Since 1980, the Lion’s Club contributes to these collections in French and English mainly for people with visual handicap. Through this annual financial aid, the library members have a good variety of books of all kinds. These collections are available to the subscribers during the opening hours of the Library.
The Lion’s club also recently held the first weekend of October its book fair which was very successful, even though theywe were operating under Covid restrictions. The Club was only allowed 50 people at the hall at one time, which sum included the workers, when in the past they were running the book fair with up to 15 volunteers and Lions club members.
According to the club, the community was very appreciative of their efforts, and even though they only collected books for 3 months, the donations were coming in at a great rate, which allowed the club to end up with over 15000 books.
The club had many requests to have the bookfair on a semi-annual basis, and currently they are looking into the possibility of having a pre-summer edition in May.