Mikaël Kingsbury hasn’t brooded over his disappointing performance for a long time. Kingsbury rebounded to secure the 67th World Cup victory of his career. Kingsbury has regained his usual place on the top step of the podium, Sunday in Idre Fjall in Sweden, on the occasion of the World Cup moguls in parallel. Eliminated from the super final on Saturday for the first time in his career by virtue of an eighth solo position, the “King of the Moguls” rebound in the final round.
“I gave everything I had left of energy after the fifth consecutive day of racing,” said Kingsbury. “I’m happy to have bounced back from my result on Saturday. I was disappointed, but I didn’t let myself down, especially since I had the opportunity to recover quickly. I didn’t dwell on my performance on Saturday and went one round at a time. I had turned the page, if I hadn’t been able to forget, I wouldn’t have had this result today. You must have failures to bounce back and I am happy that this poor performance arrived at the start of the season of this Olympic year.
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Kingsbury had the opportunity to push against his main rival in the final Ikuma Horishima who won solo gold on Saturday. “We push each other and pull each other up to offer the best version of ourselves. You have to measure yourself against the best to keep progressing. It’s a very difficult duel. We do the same things and we go at the same speed.”
Despite a good start Sunday Kingsbury lagged slightly behind the Japanese athlete after the first jump, but he turned the tables after the second jump and he crossed the finish line with a difference of 0 s 03. “After the first jump, he had a slight lead, but I really maximized the speed that the track could give me Ikuma and did the same thing. On the bottom jump, that’s where I could go get him. I wasn’t sure I would win, but it’s always better when you cross the line first in a duel” he said.
Idre Fjall’s track is not, moreover, a favourite among skiers. “This is the track where I have the most difficulty winning, it is a flat track where it is very difficult to stand out. It’s hard to pick up speed up and down. It is also the easiest track on the circuit,” Kingsbury concluded.