The Culture and recreation department of the city of Lorraine won a prestigious award as well as recognition form their peers prompting the exciting congratulatory response from the mayor.
“I would like to congratulate the Recreation and Culture Department team for this award which confirms the quality of their work, their imagination and their resourcefulness in honoring our precious volunteers, despite the difficult context of the pandemic. This recognition from their peers is undoubtedly warm to the hearts of our team, which works very hard for citizens, especially since this award follows the laudatory comments received from volunteers after the event. Congratulations to each of the members who invested themselves with heart in this project and thank you to all the volunteers who participate in the well-being of our community,” said Mayor Jean Comtois.
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The City of Lorraine paid tribute to the volunteers involved in organizations in the region, during a virtual gala held last June. This event, hosted by the talented Paul Houde, former resident of the municipality, highlighted the commitment and generosity of all these people who worked, from fall 2019 to December 2020, in organizations serving the people of Lorraine.
A few days before the festive evening, the members of the municipal council had even made a major tour to distribute a gift basket including gastronomic products from Quebec as well as a poster mentioning “A generous volunteer lives here – From the bottom of the heart, thank you!” »To all Lorraine volunteers working in an organization recognized by the City. These posters were installed in the front yard, so that the fellow citizens of these 141 caring people know that they contribute to the life, health and dynamism of the Lorraine community. Corneille, a well-known singer and citizen of Lorraine, concluded this virtual gala in style by performing Ensemble.