Road safety campaign 2022: “Take the time to live. Slow down.”

from left to right, top to bottom: Martin Charron, Régie intermunicipale de police Thérèse-De Blainville; Martin Gagnon, Terrebonne Police Department; Bruno Denis, Saint-Eustache Police Department; Alexandra Brunet, Lac des Deux-Montagnes Police Department; Sara Tousignant, Blainville Police Department; Yves Roy, municipal councillor of Saint-Eustache; Yves Tessier, Blainville Police Department; Thierry Vallières, Saint-Eustache Police Department; Christian Coutu, Saint-Eustache Police Department; Keven Renière, municipal councillor of Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines; Pascal Quevillon, Mayor of Oka; Pierre Charron, Mayor of Saint-Eustache; Marouan Bel Fakir, SAAQ; Jean-Philippe Labbé, Lac des Deux-Montagnes Police Department; Daniel Goyer, municipal councilor of Saint-Eustache; Catherine Boyer, Sûreté du Québec.

In collaboration with the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), the City of Saint-Eustache announced the launch of its new road safety campaign, under the slogan ” Take the time to live. Slow down. “. The announcement was made in the presence of the mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron, of Mr. Yves Roy, municipal councillor, president of the Commission of circulation and transports, of Mr. Daniel Goyer, municipal councillor, vice -president of the Commission of circulation and transports, and Mr. Marouan Bel Fakir, adviser in relations with the community at the SAAQ. They were accompanied by representatives of the Régie intermunicipale de police Thérèse-De Blainville, the Sûreté du Québec, the Terrebonne police department, the Lac des Deux-Montagnes police department, the Blainville and the Saint-Eustache Police Departments, as well as elected officials from the region.

This vast operation aims to make motorists and motorcyclists aware of speeding in residential areas: “Speeding in residential areas is a very worrying issue for the population in terms of road safety and is a priority for the municipal council. We hope that this original campaign will have a significant impact and will sensitize motorists and motorcyclists to review their driving habits. Everyone’s safety and well-being are at stake,” said the mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron.


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A necessary awareness

A flash poll conducted by the Communications Department of the City of Saint-Eustache revealed that citizens regularly admit to exceeding the speed limit, in particular because of distraction, when pressed for time, or because they “go at the same speed as the others”. The campaign “Take the time to live. Slow down.” wishes to be a benevolent reminder that speeding behind the wheel is everyone’s business.

Exceeding the speed limit, even a little, is seen as normal, even trivialized for a large majority of the population. Through this collaboration, the SAAQ wishes to raise awareness among the citizens of Saint-Eustache and thus reduce the number of accidents and deaths due to speeding.

An eye-catching campaign

Over the next few weeks, citizens will be able to observe the appearance of awareness signs in many residential areas of the city. This display will be supported by an advertising campaign that can be seen on local buses and bus shelters, the City’s electronic signs, in the municipal newsletter, on the and on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

A regional issue

It is clear that this issue is not unique to Saint-Eustache. Indeed, several towns and municipalities in the region served by the police forces mentioned above, such as Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Oka, Blainville, Terrebonne, and Mirabel, have also joined the movement and will roll out the campaign on their territory in the coming weeks, also as part of the SAAQ’s 2021-2025 road safety prevention strategy.