The MRC of Thérèse-De Blainville adopted on June 16 the new version of its Cultural Policy. On August 25th it was its official launch.
“The result of the rigorous and concerted work of the Table Action Culture and community partners, this second generation of the Cultural Policy is part of the overall objective of making culture an economic and social engine while promoting artistic creation, preservation of historical heritage and the involvement of as many citizens as possible. It supports issues of collaboration, identity, vitality, accessibility and outreach. At the same time it challenges public institutions as well as cultural organizations and artists in our region ”, declared Mr. Richard Perreault, Prefect of the MRC de Thérèse-De Blainville and mayor of the City of Blainville.
One Policy, four issues
The new Cultural Policy is broken down into four main issues which are collaboration, identity,
vitality and accessibility, as well as outreach.
These issues are based on the priciples of the Reference Framework of the Ministry of Culture and Communications adopted in 2018. For the president of the Table Action Culture of the MRC and mayor of the City of SainteThérèse, Ms. Sylvie Surprenant, it was important that the new version of the Cultural Policy sticks to the current reality: “This renewal process has enabled us to achieve all the progress made and the positive impacts of the adoption of the first Policy in 2013. Thanks to the synergy of the seven city members, an impressive number of regional cultural projects have been carried out. Its renewal will allow culture to shine even more in our region, ”she said.
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Lines of intervention and proposed actions
The MRC de Thérèse-De Blainville provides lines of intervention and means of action for each of the
orientations proposed in the new Policy.While several of these actions consist of maintaining the achievements of the previous Cultural Policy, other actions aim at greater integration of culture in target audiences such as young people. The MRC recommends in particular the establishment of a cultural course within the framework of the school curriculum of the pupils of the territory, from primary to secondary and the implication of the schools in the promotion of the inheritance.
Strengthening various partnerships and a strong regional cultural identity is obviously part of the
objectives of this cultural policy.
“In its different modes of expression, culture educates us, tells us our story, transmits us
values, touches us, makes us more creative, entertains us, improves our well-being and brings us together. Not to mention that it allows us to express our pride and forge a collective identity,” concluded Mr. Eric Westram, vice-president of the Table Action Culture and mayor of the City of Rosemère.