On November 23, as part of a small ceremony organized virtually, the 13 winners of the 2021 municipal calendar photography competition, on the theme: Saint-Eustache at night, were unveiled.
For the occasion, the mayor of Saint-Eustache, Mr. Pierre Charron, welcomed all the contest participants who were present: “I want to thank you all for your participation. Especially this year, with the difficult situation we are living in, I want to thank you for bringing so much beauty and poetry into our lives. We really need it. Thank you for reminding us how privileged we are to live in our beautiful city. “, he said.
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For her part, the president of the Commission des communications et des relations avec le Citoyen, the municipal councillor Ms. Nicole Carignan-Lefebvre, added: “The choice of photos is made depending on the theme and the four seasons. This year we had the difficult task of choosing from 122 photos from 50 participants. “
For this edition of the competition, the jury was made up of Ms. Nicole Carignan-Lefebvre as well as Ms. Stéphanie Bouchard and Brigitte St-Jean, respectively Director of the Communications Department and Coordinator of the SEM, Mr. Florent Escalle, Coordinator of Interactive Communications as well as the two volunteer members of the Committee on Communications and Citizen Relations, Ms. Caroline DuPaul and Mr. Michel Besner.
The winners of the photo competition for the 2021 calendar are: Gabrielle Favreau-Lavallée, Guylaine Ouellet, Jocelyne Beaulieu, Michael Fortin, Robert Dabas, Robert Pagé, Daniel Lavallée, Mireille Chaput, Gabriel Charbonneau-Clavette, Pierre Meunier, Sophie Dominique, Sophie Lévesque and Irini Blais. As a reward, in addition to the satisfaction of seeing their photo adorn a calendar page, the winners receive a frame of their photograph. In addition, a draw was made among the 13 awarded photographs to determine the winner of an electronic tablet.
In conclusion, the vice-president of the Commission for communications and relations with the citizens, the municipal councilor Ms. Janique-A. Danis, announced the theme of the 2022 calendar: Saint-Eustache from another angle. “Full details for entering the photo contest can be found on our website,” she said.
The 2021 municipal calendar, printed in 21,500 copies, was distributed to all the doors of Saint-Eustache on Wednesday, November 25, with the local newspaper.