Audits: a perfect report card for Lorraine

Audits: a perfect report card for Lorraine

In terms of the adoption of the 2021 budget, only 57% of the cities audited were found to be compliant. Lorraine is therefore one of those who respected the obligation to adopt an annual budget during the period from November 15 to December 31, 2020, during an exclusive session, and who published a public notice for at least eight days before the meeting in which the budget was adopted. Regarding the adoption of the PTI (Programme triennal d’immobilisations), only 44% of the cities audited, including Lorraine, complied with the required standards. This means that the municipal council of Lorraine adopted the PTI covering the period from 2021 to 2023 during an exclusive meeting, before December 31, 2020 and that the City published a public notice to this effect at least eight days before this session.

The mayor of Lorraine, Mr. Jean Comtois, said he was very proud of these results: “Lorraine did its homework well, on all fronts! The budget process and the three-year capital program are complex processes that serve as the basis for our annual action plan. Planning ahead for future projects and actions, properly informing citizens of the decisions that are taken, being available to answer their questions, these are elements that all members of the municipal council have at heart. I salute the work of the entire municipal team. These CMQ audit reports confirm that the administration is working hard, with rigor and transparency, for all Lorraines and Lorrainers.


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