Reopening of restaurants

Due to the improvement in its epidemiological situation, the Laurentians region is now entirely on the orange alert level.
Reduced measures.
The CISSS des Laurentides announced the transition to the orange zone for the entire territory. Among the measures in force in the orange zone are:
The reopening of restaurants (maximum per table of two people, accompanied, if necessary, by their minor children, or occupants of the same private residence)
Full-time return to school for secondary 3, 4 and 5 students
The reopening of the gyms (with a mask or face covering at all times for all)
A maximum of 100 people in places of worship (with the exception of weddings and funerals which are limited to 25 people).
An encouraging picture
The drop in active cases combined with the excellent participation of the population in vaccinations allows the upgrade to the orange zone. For Dr. Éric Goyer, director of public health for the Laurentians, the regional situation is evolving positively. However, he reiterates the importance of remaining cautious: “We are aware that this change will have the effect of a breath of fresh air for the Laurentians who have shown a great ability to adapt until today. To continue to protect ourselves and to gain more individual freedoms, we must respect the new measures, even if it may be tempting to let our guard down. Deconfinement requires compliance with health instructions, otherwise our fight against the pandemic will inevitably take a step back. It is therefore a collective responsibility. “