Reversing the ravages of the emerald ash borer in Rosemère

Reversing the ravages of the emerald ash borer in Rosemère

From June 3 to 5, in collaboration with Arbre-Évolution as part of its Reboisement social TM program, the city of Rosemère will proceed with a community planting of 1,440 plants (trees and shrubs) to reforest the town following the ravages of the emerald ash borer. In order to restore and enhance affected habitats, a total of six sites have been selected:

Des Bernaches Street site (vacant lot, 6 to 8 volunteers needed)


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Bourbonnière Park site, between Edgewood and Cheminot streets (8 to 10 volunteers needed)

Landlocked site behind Champagne Street, wooded border of the Rivière aux chiens (rough terrain, 6 volunteers needed)

Landlocked site behind Côtes-du-Rhône Street, wooded border of the Rivière aux chiens (rough terrain, 6 volunteers needed)

Roland-Durand Street site (near Montée Lesage), wooded border of the Rivière aux chiens  (semi-wooded, rough terrain, need 6 to 8 volunteers)

Rosemère train station site (FULL)

The city got a grant of $10,400 as part of this generous program. Rosemère will contribute $4,207.50 plus taxes, in addition to providing trees, materials and labour.

Residents who are interested in helping out must send an email to Caroline Roy, indicating: name and age of each participant, address, phone number, their availability for June 3-4 and 5, as well as their preferences for the chosen sites. Residents must be 18 years or older or accompanied by an adult.  Small groups will be formed to ensure that sanitary measures are respected.