The FCCQ and the CCITB wish to bring together the entrepreneurial community and the population around the vaccination centers in companies
The Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec (FCCQ) and the Chamber of commerce and industry Thérèse-De Blainville (CCITB) announced the first 13 business vaccination centers made by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé.
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The centers unveiled last week represent the first phase of the in-company vaccination operation. The government’s objective is to create at least one center in each region of Quebec and to vaccinate 500,000 Quebeckers thanks to the involvement of businesses.
“A new page of collaboration between business and government is being written before our eyes and we are delighted about it. The FCCQ is proud to have been active from the start in mobilizing its vast network and we would like to thank all the companies who filled out the form we had posted to show their interest in hosting a vaccination clinic. The government has chosen to retain a limited number of centers for this first phase, but it is remarkable to see such a large number of companies, from all over Quebec, who wish to collaborate, ”declared Charles Milliard, President and CEO of the FCCQ.
“Targeting companies interested in hosting a vaccination campaign was necessary to speed up the implementation of this initiative. The CCITB is proud to have collaborated with the FCCQ to quickly collect this data. We solicited our members and carried out communication campaigns with companies whose characteristics corresponded to those sought by the Ministry of Health and Social Services. We would also like to underline the great participation of the companies of the region, which volunteered to protect our population”, added Cynthia Kabis, Executive Director of the CCITB.
Bringing companies together towards a common goal that leads to concrete actions is the aspired role of the network of chambers of commerce. Up to now, the FCCQ and the CCITB have been able to effectively link the interested companies and the government, which selects the vaccination centers.
“Organizing a vaccination hub is one of the many ways businesses can help and all types of contributions will make a difference. In addition to the businesses that will lend their premises, there are many other nearby businesses that can also play a role by providing vaccinators, support staff, security personnel or offering logistical assistance. We are going to continue our involvement in order to facilitate the future networking between the identified poles and the companies able to meet the needs of human and material resources”, added Mr. Milliard.
Vaccination in the workplace should begin in May according to the government. The FCCQ and the CCITB invite the population to be vaccinated as soon as possible, according to the order of priority provided by the government, and to respect the time slots chosen in order to be able to complete the vaccination campaign as soon as possible.
“The companies that agreed to get involved did so for free to help the health network. I congratulate them and thank them. Their efforts will help protect the population and revive our economy as quickly as possible. As a trained pharmacist, I cannot stress enough that the vaccine is our best weapon for a return to normal life, ”concluded Charles Milliard.