During a touching ceremony that took place on October 2, the City of Blainville paid a heartfelt tribute to the former Plan-Bouchard district councillor, Mr. Guy Frigon, who died suddenly on April 17, 2021.
” If we decided to give a name to the riding school of the Equestrian Park, that of “Guy-Frigon center”, it is to honor the memory of a man deeply committed to his city and his community. A commitment which went beyond the political framework and which was manifested at the sporting and community level. It is this commitment and the life of Guy Frigon that we are celebrating with this gesture, ”said Blainville Mayor Richard Perreault during the ceremony.
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Mr. Frigon, in addition to being a city councillor much appreciated by his fellow citizens for nearly sixteen years, was involved for many years in soccer and chaired the Soccer Association from 1994 to 2004. One of his successors to the presidency, Mr. Sylvain Pereira, paid tribute to him.
Guy Frigon was also recognized for his generosity and community involvement. Until the end of his life, he supported the cause of autism in the Laurentians region and he is at the origin of the Nicola and Albert Lévy Respite House project in Blainville, which must also be enlarged during the next few months. The general manager of the Société Autisme Laurentides, Ms. Karine Brunet, testified to Mr. Frigon’s unwavering support for this cause.