On November 8, the municipal council of Lorraine paid tribute to six citizens who distinguished themselves in a sporting discipline. Scholarships totaling $1,800 were awarded during the evening, in support of these enthusiasts. These are offered each year to individuals who have distinguished themselves in a sporting or cultural field, as part of the Recognition and support policy for organizations and individuals.
The recipients of financial assistance this year were Agathe Closson Giguère (gymnastics), Béatrice Closson Giguère (gymnastics), Jean Lespérance (running), Léanne Noiseux (synchronized skating), Benjamin Rousseau (baseball) and Édouard Therriault (acrobatic skiing).
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“For all the members of the municipal council, it is a real pleasure to return this year to a face-to-face event, in the company of scholarship recipients and their families. The athletes present have worked hard in recent years, in less than favorable conditions than before the pandemic. It is therefore a well-justified pride that we could read on the faces of our guests! These fighters are fabulous ambassadors for the municipality and a model of resilience and perseverance. Congratulations to all these honorees,” said the mayor of Lorraine, Mr. Jean Comtois.
All grant applications must be sent to the Recreation and Culture Department between January 1 and October 31 of the current year. For more information, people can visit the city website or contact the Recreation and Culture Department at 450 621-8550, ext. 275.