The Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) des Laurentides is currently working to identify certain areas secured at the Laurentian Hospital of Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts and at the Saint-Eustache Hospital in order to be ready, if necessary, to receive patients positive for COVID-19. For its part, the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital maintains the availability of its beds for the admission of people positive for COVID-19 and remains the designated environment for cases requiring intensive care.
If the context requires it, people who need to be hospitalized may no longer be automatically transferred to the Saint-Jérôme Regional Hospital. The new spaces dedicated to the care of patients with COVID-19 will have the necessary safety and protective equipment for staff and patients.
According to the President and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides, Ms. Rosemonde Landry, this new approach will offer several advantages. “The addition of hospitalization areas for people infected with COVID-19 will allow us to transfer patients to different hospitals, which will facilitate the delivery of our care and services. This will undoubtedly have beneficial effects for users, but also for our staff who will be able to support each other even more in the current context, ”she explained.
Teams are already hard at work to prepare the new hot zones with the rigor and caution acquired in recent months. These will be put into operation, if needed only, if the number of hospitalizations related to COVID-19 increases in the region. “This is not what we want and we hope that the population takes all the necessary measures to protect themselves against COVID-19. However, if the need for hospitalization increases, we will be ready to face the situation,” concluded Ms. Landry.