Marie-Sol Perreault-Desharnais, Deputy Director General and Philanthropic Development (Centraides Laurentides), Josée Bergeron, communications advisor and head of our municipal campaign for Centraide, Edith Proulx Director of the Recreation and Culture Department and Jean Comtois Mayor of Lorraine

Like every year in Lorraine, there were a variety of ways to give to Centraide Laurentides: dessert contest, sale of chocolate and other delicacies, wearing jeans on Thursdays for $2, possibility of donating an amount with each pay, internal newspaper … and more. According to an announcement by the City, this holiday season was also an opportunity to allow children from families going through a difficult time to have a gift in their name under the tree. This program particularly affects City staff, who have been participating in it for several years.

Mr. Jean Comtois, Mayor of Lorraine, congratulated the municipal employees as well as the elected officials for having given generously: “Thank you also to Edith Proulx, Director of the Recreation and Culture Department, who managed the City staff at Maison Parenfant, as well as Josée Bergeron, communications advisor and head of our municipal campaign for Centraide. My colleagues on the municipal council and I also take our hats off to all Lorraine residents who have purchased used books at the library, for the benefit of Centraide Laurentides. In these more difficult economic times, it is heartwarming to see that our community continues to help others.” The mayor of Lorraine also highlighted the involvement of volunteers and staff from Centraide Laurentides and Maison Parenfant, who work year-round to help people in the region.


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