Since last September, participants in the Work Integration program for people with intellectual disabilities, an autism spectrum disorder, or a physical impairment (DI-TSA-DP) regularly go to the regional warehouse of the Center de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) des Laurentides to help with the logistics and preparation of orders of personal protective equipment that are worn in the health and social services sector during this pandemic period.
Thus, the 13 trainees of this program go, in small groups, two to three times a week to the regional warehouse. The success of this initiative will soon allow the opening of a fourth day of internship per week. With the increased logistical demands due to the pandemic, the regional warehouse has emerged as a suitable environment for group internships with people with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or physical disabilities.
Indeed, the warehouse activities associated with the assembly of protective equipment for home care nurses, the preparation of disinfectant wipes, or the filling of disinfectant bottles are interesting tasks and responsibilities for customers. of the DI-TSA-DP Work Integration program. More specifically, people with an intellectual disability, an autism spectrum disorder or a physical disability easily progress with simple and repetitive tasks. For them, these responsibilities are rewarding, motivating, and accomplished with both thoroughness and pleasure. “This group course takes place in the context of the pandemic in which everyone’s contribution is appreciated and makes a difference. Interns are proud to work in the warehouse and to lend a hand to ensure the protection of the public and our staff. They are invaluable in operations and provide a pleasant working atmosphere and climate in the regional warehouse”, said President and CEO of the CISSS des Laurentides, Ms. Rosemonde Landry.
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Currently, the team of the Work Integration program of the CISSS des Laurentides works in partnership with more than 200 employers in the region to promote the development of the employability of people with intellectual disabilities, on the spectrum of autism or physical impairment. In total, nearly 550 people work in various organizations, businesses and establishments and help increase the productivity of these workplaces. “Just as we do at the CISSS des Laurentides, we want businesses in the region to continue to develop the reflex of thinking about our interns when the tasks allow it, or when they have excess workload that is difficult to integrate into their current operations. The integration of these people into society changes their lives and brings them such a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Businesses are also the winners,” says Ms. Landry. Companies interested in a partnership project are invited to contact Ms. Carole Gravel, Work Integration DI-TSA-DP program manager at the following email address: carole_gravel@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.