This winter, Teresians of all ages are invited to put on their coats and take out their shovels to participate in the Snow Castle Challenge. This free competition will allow citizens to move outside and have a chance to win interesting prizes.
“This fun challenge invites the population to combine the practice of outdoor activity and creativity, two elements that do a lot of good in these times of confinement. So dress warmly, let your imagination run wild and have fun! », exclaimed Sylvie Surprenant, mayor of Sainte-Thérèse.
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Participating is simple. Residents are invited to build a fort or a snow castle in their backyard or in a park near them, and take a picture of it! Then register at defichateaudeneige.ca by selecting the Laurentians region and the MRC of Thérèse-De Blainville. To the question “What category / event is it?” “, choosing the” Snow castle / Town of Sainte-Thérèse challenge “option from the drop-down menu. Teresians have until March 8 to participate!
By participating, citizens have the chance to win one of the many prizes. In particular, the City of Sainte-Thérèse will draw 3 gift baskets worth $ 150 on March 10 among the Teresian participants. The winners will be contacted by phone a few days after the contest deadline.